Persons with Vision Challenges Deserve Assistance.

Sheri Hughes
Sheri is currently VP of the Board and instrumental in coordinating sight screenings at Santa Maria, Orcutt and Guadalupe schools.

About Us

In addition to providing vision exams and vision assistance, the Lions Sight Conservation Foundation of Santa Maria collects used glasses.  These glasses are reconditioned and provided to needy individuals globally.

It takes a team of dedicated volunteers to ensure that our Foundation is reaching out to as many resources in our community as it can so kids have access to our free vision services. We're fortunate to have some of the best dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to our cause.
Our mission is to provide vision assistance to those members of the community who are otherwise unable to seek out or receive vision care due to financial constraints.
Vision Exams

Once we have provided vision screening for students, those that are found to need further screening or corrective lenses are referred to local optometrists with whom we partner.  Through our relationship with these optometrists we can provide corrective lenses at little or no charge to the student's family.   

Learn more about the Sight Conservation Foundation by contacting us.

Current Foundation Directors:

Jose Nichols, Paige Smith, Jill Caldwell, Juanita Nichols, Laura Selken

Jill Caldwell
Jill is a Director of the Foundation. As Treasurer, Carol processes all applications. 
Corrective Lenses/Followup Care

Jose Nichols
Jose has served as President of the Board for several years and instrumental in achieving collaboration between multiple groups to solve vision problems. 
Using the most modern equipment the Lions Sight Conservation Foundation provides early childhood sight screening to allow children to keep pace with their peers.